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Month of Activities 1991 - Report

There are many reasons for us to take on such a massive load of work and money. "So we don't get bored" said an ironic note left on my desk by a co-worker.
Well, that's not the main reason of course. I think that juveniles and young adults have different interests and requirements than just being confronted with the "ordinary" youth problems like drugs, alcoholism, crime, etc. Sure, these issues are real, but they are more than exploited by the media anyway.

During my work I'm also facing the not so positive aspects. Like a local polititian's statement that young people are "not an issue" for him!!!
Others state they are not competent or responsible. The culture office denied our request for subventions without naming any reasons, even for this - as far as I am concerned clearly culturally motivated - month of activities.
I assume many people only start to think at the time the young people start to strike back like it just recentlie happened in Paris when they took the streets as a cry for attention for their needs and problems.

There are of course very positive aspects as well but very often they are neglected or overlooked by the media and the public. To cause a stir with positive youth activities a huge amount of work is required - one probably has to be twice as good as anyone else. But I don't want the issue to escalate. I don't want them to take the streets and fight back. I don't want them to be sent to slaughter.

I would want the option of working together to strive for a positive solution. Some tried to do this with positive activities. This is our contribution to assure that youth will be a positive topic again.

Andreas Flach, full-time employee, April 12th, 1991

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